Thursday, November 8, 2012


Happy Fall everyone!  It's getting pretty cold here, but I always forget how much I actually enjoy the coziness of it getting dark early and bundling up in jackets and sweaters.  I thought I'd share some of what we've been doing...

::The only pic we have of our Charlie -- he had to go to traffic school on Halloween night for four hours -- wah, wah!
::My two little pirates -- we said to Phin, "What do you say?" meaning trick or treat and he would say, "Arg.  That's what pirates say, mom."
 ::All the girls still like to dress up.  Ella handed out candy so that M and I could both take the littles around the neighborhood and Lulu went with some friends
 ::This was Ibby's miniature pumpkin.  I suggested that she not try to carve it, but she insisted and even included a mustache.
 ::Phin's jack-o-lantern -- he designed while daddy carved
 ::And the leaves!  Archie loves to help!
:: Phin with his own purple rake
 ::The girlies helped for hours!  For some reason our two oldest slaves children missed this event
 ::He insisted on using one of the big rakes

In my estimation we raked about 55 million leaves last Saturday and one of our trees is still green!!!!  But we do love our big yard with its leafy canopy!

Babies crying, gotta go!