Saturday, March 28, 2015

birthday and spring break

A happy happy birthday to my sweet and earnest seven year old! I am so happy that I get to be his mommy!

His birthday always falls during the week of Spring Break so we're often visiting other places on his day.  This year was no different.  I grabbed the kids and ran over to Indianapolis for a couple of days and we had a good time.  For years we had heard rave reviews about the children's museum there so we checked that out and ate some yummy Greek food for dinner.  Then the next morning we went shopping at the mall and found a wonderful inside only path all the way to the Spaghetti Factory!  Thank goodness we found a sneaky purple way because it was freezing freezing out!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

We had a very nice time going down to the Nauvoo temple with four other families.  We arrived on Friday evening and the adults attended a session.  It was so wonderful going with my girl!  And then Saturday morning we woke up and had a big breakfast all together.  I went with Ella over to visit with Lexi while everyone else spent some time down by the river and eating cake, which sounds very fun, of course, but I was able to snuggle some be-bes!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

My first ever knitting project! A lap blanket in citrus hues for my little ray of sunshine smile emoticon

I got the pattern from Purl Bee.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

She Came Back!

19 months is a very long time to go without seeing your girl -- and the last week seemed like the longest one!  We were all so happy to see her!

Her sole just fell off her shoe on Monday! They lasted her whole mission!

Friday, March 6, 2015

What a gorgeous morning! The big fat moon on one horizon and broad pink stripes on the other! Even at 2 degrees, made me giddy smile emoticon

Thursday, March 5, 2015

hakuna frittata

Our first eggs from ‪#‎brehmandsons‬ turned into a scrumptious cauliflower frittata

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Archie just told me that this cookie looks just like the carpet in the temple (!?!)  It really does very closely resemble one that is in the Celestial Room of the Nauvoo temple so I thought it was a little spooky that he just said that out of the blue because how would he know?  I asked him when he saw it and he said, "When I was born."

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

I asked Phin to refill the toilet paper holder -- so thorough!