Autumn in Illinois is always so lovely! It is bittersweet because one knows that at any moment the weather can turn on you and you'll be in a perpetual state of chill for several months... so each sunny afternoon, each evening that doesn't require a jacket, each bright blue sky, is one to celebrate.
::We were able to meet some friends at the Haunted Trail -- it always makes the long, long wait so much more bearable!
::getting his face painted at the end of the Haunted Trail -- Phin had to run home for piano lessons so we didn't get a pic of his spidery face.
::We bought a pass to Rader Farms and tried to go a few times a week. I think we got our money's worth!
::The boys wanted to be a storm trooper and a lion -- I went to Target and they actually had those costumes! But they were both so expensive, and this one of Finn, from the upcoming Star Wars movie, and Snoopy were both on sale! The boys both agreed very complacently which was so nice of them.
::Our beautiful neighborhood!
::At the neighborhood fall party -- waiting to hit the piƱata
::Lucy dressed up to be a crazy cat lady and Jessa dressed up as a cat
::Same tree a week or so later
::We went to IHOP with Syndy and Charlie for free scary pancakes
::We always wait until the day before Halloween to carve our pumpkins or else they are devoured by squirrels, mold, or both.
::Halloween night! I'm glad that Ibby still likes to dress up -- and her costume was just things found around the house -- perfect!
::We always like to get a pic in front of the Emmert's house -- they always do such a great job decorating!
::After trick or treating we met Maggie and gang at Chipotle for boo-ritos - yum!