To continue our enjoyment of this delightfully sunny and abundant spring, we invited the Rowley family to join us on a little excursion to Allerton Park in Champaign. Neither of our families had ever been there so it was fun to discover it together. We had a little picnic and then hiked through the woods. The path circles back around to the main house and who should we see lounging on the grass? Sean and Jessa Mitchell and Sean's lovely new wife, Alecia! It was such a nice surprise to run into them. We also tried our hand at flying a kite on the expansive lawn. Overall, a very fun afternoon!
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Friday, April 22, 2016
Tea for 1
When my lovely friend Twila visited us in Spain, she brought the most exquisite green tea blend from Paris and left it with us. It is loose tea and I always wanted more than just one cup so I decided that I absolutely needed to get a sweet little teapot with a diffuser in the lid. I jumped on over to Amazon and found the perfect thing. When it arrived, I remembered that I had a charming set of tiny tea cups from Japan that were still in the box. They go swimmingly together, don't you agree? Aaaaaahhhh, it makes me happy
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Lake of the Woods
It was so nice to go on a little field trip with our homeschool friends. A lot of them we haven't seen at all since we returned from our trip. It was so nice to reconnect and also spend time in nature. I think the universe is trying to tell me that Illinois is incredibly beautiful and I need to just stop with the restlessness and always wanting to be somewhere else.
Sunday, April 17, 2016
There is evidence all around that Spring has sprung and it makes me so happy!
But our friends, the McLaughlins, are moving which makes me so sad. They were supposed to be the more permanent ones who kept us company forever! We were able to have dinner with them one last time and enjoy a little walk around their neighborhood.
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
my eyes stay closed,
blocking out the
warm yellow light,
while birds sing lustily
outside my open window;
jasmine and lemon blossom
breeze in with the sea air,
swirling around my feet
as they touch the
morning cold tile;
the whine of the gate,
the screech of the
neighbor's shutters,
the toll of the church bells,
announce the new day.
Another day of escape,
another day of