One game we played a couple of times was Cranium. In my real life no one wants to play it with me. I have only played a few times and I like it so much because I am actually good at it! Who knew that I could draw something legible with my eyes closed (perhaps better than with them open), spell words backward, and hum a recognizable tune? Lest I sound like I am bragging, I fear that being good at the skills required for Cranium mean nothing in the real world. I keep coming upon mommies who have actual, concrete talents like writing, painting, sewing, taking wonderful photos... and they are all out there creating marvelous things. I feel something inside me that wants to come out, but I don't know how.
"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." -Maya Angelou
If we ever get together I will totally play cranium with you! It takes a certain amount of inhibition I think . . .