Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The appliance repair guy said he would come at 11:30. I had to go be a bus, but I hurried everywhere and was making good time. Finally at the last place, I dropped off the boy, hurriedly told the lady in front I couldn't chat, ran to my car, buckled in the baby (without hitting his head even!), got behind the wheel and ... nothing. Car won't start. Try, try, try. Nothing. Run in to tell the daycare that my car is blocking their driveway and run home ( live a couple of blocks away), but I was a little late, so maybe I missed him. Isn't that ironic considering I was just blathering on about things not working? Don't you think it's funny? Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, huh, hmm. And baby just wet on my bed. I know!!!


  1. Ahh! Horrible! Hope things improve.

    Also, congrats on losing tons of weight! You're doing awesome.

  2. Oh man, sometimes things are rough-at least we can be humorous about it through our blogs.

  3. ohhhhh, it's just too sad!

  4. too funny! but it makes me want to cry as much as it makes me want to laugh. it reminds me so much of my life. i'm sorry. hope things are going better now.


pretty, pretty, please...