Thursday, September 11, 2008

My Meadow

I took some pictures of the baby on the lawn yesterday. The lawn is so full of plants that are not grass it probably doesn't deserve the name "lawn" anymore. Meadow might be more appropriate. And we would then use our Meadow Mower to cut it. I like it. I adore the one of him checking out the grass. You have to imagine his chubby fingers going back and forth. Where are the Harry Potter photos when you need them? And, of course, the ubiquitous hostas.


  1. Mary, you've been hiding your blogging and writing talent from me. The pics of the baby are adorable as he also is IRL (In real life, for those that don't have a clue what I'm saying, namely ME) Did I use the correct letter? I'm trying to keep up with my texting YW and be "Cool".

  2. WHO IS THAT BABY?????? He looks so big and is so stinkin' adorable!! Love reading your blog-you are an amazing writer. I am waiting for your everyday conversation to start sounding like that.

  3. Mary, I love your "meadow". Much better than my straight of new construction/no trees yard. I would love to have all your plants and mature trees, and o.k., I should stop now. I think I'm starting to covet your meadow. LOL.


pretty, pretty, please...