Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Serenity now...

I received a new calling at church, but I get to keep my old one as well. I have to wonder, am I not projecting my stress well enough? I need to do better! My friend commented that I seem patient so I decided to respond here so that the other two people who read my blog can benefit from the exchange. I had to laugh because a few other people recently said similar things -- that I seem like a peaceful person, that I have it together, that they cannot imagine me yelling at my kids, etc. I have no idea how I exude this tranquil air, but I assure you it is false and misleading. And almost every little thing causes me anxiety. Take paper for instance. It seems innocuous enough -- thin, flimsy, perhaps a pretty color -- but when you have it floating in through the mailbox and waltzing merrily into the house via children's backpacks pretty soon you have piles and piles of paper overtaking every available surface and it becomes like the rope made up of lots of tiny strings, you could have broken one, but together they are too strong and it can strangle you! So I have an overabundance of paper and some of them require careful consideration, but my overtaxed brain cannot discriminate between what is important and what is not. The papers I like the least come from school. They are always filled to the brim with commands (it is REQUIRED that your child has an eye exam, a dental exam, 50,000 inoculations, but we will not do it here, we are giving you an errand, you need to look up the dentist's phone number, make an appointment, remember to write it down, remember to go, take their piece of paper, have the dentist sign it, return it to the school or else your child will not get their grades-- don't get me wrong, I do take my kids to the dentist, but on my own schedule and my own volition because I can be trusted to be their parent despite what the state of Illinois may think!) or entreaties (please, please, please purchase this for our fundraiser from a company that uses children to sell their overpriced rubbish so that your kids can have 5 % for their school) when all I really like to see coming home are their beautiful Thanksgiving vests made of brown construction paper. It is a small percentage I assure you. Okay, now I don't even remember what I was initially talking about. Oh, being calm. I guess I reserve my tirades for the privacy of my own home. I assume most people are like that so I am always taken aback when I see women completely losing it in more public settings. I just shake my head judgmentally (inside, of course -- I don't want them turning on me!) If they are acting like that in the grocery store where one might be more naturally reserved, what must they be like in private? Let's give them the benefit of the doubt and say that they either get really tense while shopping and are unusually stern or they are exhibitionists and save their performances for all of us. I digress yet again. Perhaps it is time to wrap this up and tie it with a little bow (to keep it tightly confined, don't untie it or it may burst all over you, like every time I open the cupboard and things slide out and something heavy hits my pinky toe just right).


  1. I love reading your blog because it reminds me that we are all the same. I agree with the paper issue. All those people on talk shows that are considered "horders" because they don't throw things away must have a kindergartener! All those stacks of paper look oddly familiar. I hope that I illude that air of serenity and patience... who am I kidding everyone knows I'm crazy! And now that I have the Reed kids for a week there will be witnesses!

  2. Oh Mary, I hear you loud and clear. Did you know that I am drowning in a pile of paper as we speak. On my computer desk. I've been tempted to burn it all.

    And yes, I lose it at home too. Poor kids.

  3. From my point of view, dear Mary, it seems like you are not the kind of person who holds things in, you let it out at the moment you feel it, so that is a good trait. Those who hold it inside are maybe the ones at the grocery store who blow up in public.

    I agree with the paper thing too. I have taken to recycling paper and/or I recycle it myself if the back side is blank, I make it into note paper because I love to make notes to myself.

  4. I am so with you on the paper thing! Oh my gosh, I hate all the papers that come from school. Why don't they save a tree and use email!!! I especially despise the scholastic book order forms that all 3 bring home and then beg for me to order them books from and I almost always say "NO"!!

  5. Yes, we recycle and reuse the paper, but my philosophy is that reducing is the best policy -- and that applies to life in almost every instance.

  6. Serenity now!!! That about covers it.

  7. Beautiful entry! Never mind the paper, you have wonderful prose on your side.


pretty, pretty, please...