Friday, February 27, 2009

Compare and Contrast

I have a neighbor who has got it all going on. She has been PTO president, helps with EVERYTHING, thin, always dressed nice, always on time, never a hair out of place, you get the idea. Inevitably, whenever I am in her presence, I do something stupid. This morning I was feeling really good about myself. I got dressed (!) -- and put on some cute new wide leg capris with some cool striped knee socks, was even wearing makeup, made beds, cleaned up breakfast, got the kids out on time, stopped at the store to get treats for Lulu's class (Happy Birthday sweetie!), pulled up to the school, but then there is a bus still there so I have to go around the other side and then SHE drives up and my car is facing the wrong direction, my daughter runs out in front of her car, the baby has snot running down his face, and I look down and my socks are now pooled around my ankles. Suddenly I am all wrong. If the kids have strewn garbage across the lawn, or their knees are bleeding, or I back into one of my bushes, or the baby is being held upside down by the toes, sure enough I can look up to see her little frown smile staring back at me, mentally shaking her head. I am a confident, completely capable adult one minute and then the next -- doh. can. not. func. tion. don't. know. own. name. need. help.

There are other times I feel this way and it is often at church. The women there are not judgmental (usually :), but something happens to my brain when I enter that building. Before Sunday, a friend asked if we could meet after church to plan Activity Days for the next few months. I said sure and then the wind blew and it was gone. After the first hour I ran into her in the bathroom and she asked if I was coming to our meeting. I said sure, then thought how nice it would have been if I had brought lunch -- oh and something for the kids, too -- and the baby will probably be wanting a nap around then, why did I say yes to the meeting? Then the wind blew and it was gone. After church I start rounding up the kids and their coats and then I see her -- Oh! I am staying after. I cannot remember things for five stinking seconds! (Of course, this is the same Sunday I had my shirt on backward so maybe we can chalk it up to being a bad day -- but these are not isolated incidents). And other people are always prepared, have great ideas, are so talented... I am grateful for them. They pick up my slack.

I suppose I need to reconcile myself to the way I am, but where is the line between acceptance and using the negative as an impetus to do and be better? I don't know. It is a constant struggle and in the meantime I need to paste on that smile and wave to Miss Perfect over there -- "So glad you caught that -- have a wonderful day!"


  1. Here, let me make you feel a little better. Saturday night I was on my 'date' with Tom. Finally. I wait all week long, it's sacred, don't mess with it. We order food. Phone rings, it's Risi, I was suppose to take her to Wannies (g'mas) I forgot. Next, phone rings, babysitter asks if kids can have bag of rolls I bought. NO! Oh crap! I totally forgot, l was suppose to take dinner to a neighbor (Stake President actually) who is going through breast cancer treatments. It wa 6, I bought the rolls for the chicken soup I intended to make at 2:00, never made it, totally forgot. How does a person forget in a few hours something as major as taking dinner to your stake president's wife? Just tell me I win, and your welcome, I'm much more disheveled than you are!

  2. Oh Shahara -- that is terrible! What did you do? You do win -- Um, congratulations?

  3. I'm sure I could top this, but I have conveniently forgotten all the details.

  4. You are not alone my friend. My favorite saying is "I've blinked since then". I've forgotten LOTS of things.

    If anyone seems like they are totally put together and with it... THEY ARE LYING! I always think of that commercial, the man on the ride on mower mowing his perfect grass in his perfect house with his perfect car, perfect country club membership, and perfect family. They ask him how he does it and he smiles and says, "I'm in debt up to my eye balls, someone please help me!" Just remember that something (family, finances, home, relationships, friends) in those "perfect peoples" lives is in debt up to their eye balls!

    I don't know if that made any sense but remember not everyone is perfect... that's the best part!

  5. YOU HAVE 5 CHILDREN and a HUSBAND!! This is the explanation for everything!! BTW, you always look beautiful and so do your children.

  6. Okay, so I just got caught up on reading your blog (the last three posts), and all I have to say is--I LOVE your blog! Could it be any funnier?!

  7. We love YOU just the way YOU are!!! You rock.....even when you put your shirt on backwards! I swear that made me love you a friend sorta way that is! Taheeehee!

    Oh btw, the pic on my blog post was from the internet. But it reminded me of places in GA in the spring!

  8. Ha, ha, ha!! You make me laugh.

  9. I am totally for acceptance, it is the only way I can survive the realities of my life (with 5 kids, and constant forgetfulness, just like you). Give up the struggle, and accept. You are absolutely wonderful, and I wouldn't have you change for anything.


pretty, pretty, please...