Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thankful Thursday

I am not one to keep the TV on all the time. I really like quiet so I rarely have music or any other background noise going on during the day. Lately, though, I have been streaming BYU TV through the internet because it seems to keep the baby happier while I am trying to do things. So far I have only been doing this on Thursday mornings while I am attempting to do orders and it really is amazing how he will wander a few feet away and play (as opposed to being completely attached and peevish if I move 12 inches). I am not, however, merely grateful for the distractive abilities of BYU TV as I imagine anything that is making noise would do that. I am most grateful for the wonderful things that I have seen on there. Usually when I turn it on there is a spotlight of an LDS person. There are some exceptional people who have really dedicated their lives to doing good. Such good examples! And then after that comes Total Body Workout so on days when I haven't exercised I just get up and do that and it is really fun. This morning something came on that made me realize that I have to repent. In the past I have been known to make derisive comments regarding Janice Kapp Perry. I have thought her songs were a little too complicated for little kids and also when I was a teenager you couldn't turn around without bumping into one of her melodies. I suppose the sheer number made her songs seem trite in my eyes. But, as I said, I have now repented. She was highlighted this morning and she is a remarkable person. She isn't trying to be famous or flood the world with duets, she is just trying to talk about her love for Christ and put to music some of her thoughts about life being hard or feeling alone or being in awe of blessings. Before she writes anything, she sits down, reads the scriptures, prays, and then does housework and it just comes to her! She says that it isn't her, that anyone could write the songs God wants. That is so humble. My kids favorite songs were written by her and her songs have helped me remember scriptures. I like the song "His Image in Your Countenance" and our stake did a lovely cantata by her a few years ago. The whole show was very moving and the baby kept looking up at me as I cried and cried. So today I am thankful that in the midst of the craziness the we call Life, I could have a spiritual moment and I can any other time I want, too. How great is that?


  1. Sunday I was visiting Ryan in California with my dad and other siblings. Kameron is not active, so Ry left him sleeping on the couch with BYU TV most likely annoying him as we all left for church. He is much to lazy to get up and turn it off though, so perhaps something got into his subconscious.

  2. How funny that you so recently had a BYU tv experience, too! I hope something sunk in -- it is full of good things.

  3. I never think of BYU TV, but on the rare occasions that we do stumble across it, I feel so blessed. The adversary is so good at keeping me away from what will benefit me. Thanks for the reminder.

  4. I Love BYU TV too. We don't have cable anymore and that was one thing I missed - but then I found their new streaming site and it is so nice! (As you know). I love the yoga classes on the TBWorkout - she's GOOD. And I like the choir broadcasts too - and now I need to repent about my feelings on Janice Kapp Perry too. Thanks!


pretty, pretty, please...