Monday, March 16, 2009


I have a confession to make:  I have a problem --- a subscription addiction.  I like to subscribe to magazines.  I  have willpower when the cost is exorbitant, but when I start getting offers for $20 for two years or even $7 for one, well then, I think, I can certainly splurge a little bit and spend seven measly dollars!  I love when a new issue arrives in the mailbox.  The cover is shiny and the binding smooth.  The front picture is always an enticing picture of what the coming months will bring -- September and October with pumpkins and gourds; November bedecked with Christmas trees and garlands; December and January full of organizational tips and helps for fulfilling resolutions;  February and March bring hope of Spring....  aaah.  I love to wait for a quiet moment to curl up in a chair and wade leisurely through the pages.  Slowly and carefully I read each sentence then close my eyes and think of how I could translate it to my house.  Often, I excitedly pull out a page or two thinking how fun it would be to make flower arrangements with the girls or make a yummy dessert with Charles.  Somewhere along the way, however, my problem has turned into a PROBLEM and I have piles of magazines everywhere!    Literally years worth.  I do not have time to curl up in said chair and I certainly do not have time to do anything slowly and carefully.  No sooner do I bring a fresh magazine up to my bedroom then the baby has viciously torn the lovely cover in two and then without a pause he heartlessly turns to the back as well.  Who wants to read a limp, old, crumply mess anyway?  So in an effort to stem the clutter and stop the tide of mail, catch up on the piles I already have and turn my attention to more important things, I, with extreme self-control and utmost effort, have refused the renewal notices coldheartedly.  I turn my back on them and say, "No!"  Last year, I stopped my subscription to House and Garden and it has gone out of business.  I stopped my subscription to Home and it has gone out of business.   I stopped my subscription to Country Home and it has gone out of business.  I stopped my subscription to Cottage Living, a publication full of great ideas for my lovely, old house, and it has gone out of business.  I stopped my subscription to Domino, a wonderful new magazine that I really enjoyed,  and --  it has gone out of business!  I just wanted to take a break, regroup, and so forth.  I was considering subscribing again at a later date.  I thought it was fine for other people to be reading them while I wasn't.  I felt secure knowing they were in the world somewhere if I needed them.   I had no idea the impact my decisions had on the world, but it looks as if I have single-handedly toppled the magazine industry!  And I feel kind of bad about it.


  1. I had to do this too. ALthough, it didn't put Martha out.

    I do get Cook's Illustrated and feel like I have been getting cooking lessons via mail. It's really fun and every recipe I make from there, delicious.

    I also get a magazine that comes once a quarter. That's right only 4 a year. Gives me plenty of time to read it. Have you heard of Brain, Child? Essays and such about motherhood. I have a feeling you would really like it. It's printed out of Charlottesville by a couple of UVA grads.

    Although, I did just succomb to the temptation of a 10$ Southern Living subscription.

  2. So it's you my sister in law can blame for the Domino downfall. She adored that magazine and I had just received my second issue, only to find out that it would be my last.

    To make up for that, I have received 2009's back issues for Martha Stewart Living. I was not impressed...until I saw the Easter eggs on the latest cover and I just thought about how cute they would look in a basket on my hutch and then...

    You've done yourself a favor.

  3. I get People magazine and the Ensign/Friend. Church stuff and celebrity gossip-that is all you need. Take comfort in knowing you can find anything you want online. I have never even heard of 1/2 those magazines you got. My mom is a recipe/article hoarder. She cuts out every single thing she think she might potentially use someday.

  4. I love the way you write. I almost found myself searching online for all the magazines subscriptions. Ohh but then I would find myself in your same quandary.I just have only dreamed of having such time to lounge around gazing at all the new things to decorate my home with, new recipes or ways to help me mother my children. I have 3 magazines that come to my mailbox. The Ensign,The Friend and Mothering magazine. I do wish I could enjoy more. I know it isn't as easy to read online but so much is there and it is less edible to said child. :-)

    You crack me up a good way! Now stop all those subscriptions or you are likely to bring many other business down too. JK!!! I really DO understand the addiction!

    Happy no-renewal day! :-)

  5. I've been doing, where a subscription is usually about $10, and I access it through the Northwest airlines site, so I hundreds of airline miles in addition. Pretty hard to break an addiction at those prices.

  6. Now I know who to blame for my favorite magazines going out of business! You should be sorry!

    The funny thing is that I had made the same decision, but they started going out of business before I could tell them I didn't want to renew.....there must be lots of us out there who have made the same decision. They are all wonderful magazines, but how many interior decorating magazines can a person read, or pile in their home? Everyone must have been coming to that same conclusion.

    ..But I'm still upset with you :)


pretty, pretty, please...