Friday, April 3, 2009

On Vacation!!!

We have been in Florida and it was divine! It is still a little chilly here -- 38˚ right at the moment, so it was beyond fabulous to be a normal temperature for a bit. My mom was so kind to fly here and then drive with us to my sister's house even though it would have been cheaper for her to just fly there. Gotta love her -- oh, I do!  Grandma was a great driver and the kids were so good in the car!  I have strong opinions about dvd players in the car (against), but whenever we are planning a long trip, I always stop and reconsider my position.  Once again, I decided not to get one and once again my children proved to me that we absolutely do not need to be watching movies as we sail through rolling hills in Kentucky, mountains in Tennessee with spring waterfalls at every turn, more hills in Georgia, and then the first glimpses of the tropics in Florida.  We listened to books on tape, sang songs, listened to stories from Grandma's life, argued a bit (until we found the primo seating arrangement), played games, and stared out the window (what!?! is that allowed?).  So I am still against dvd players, but I am not judging anyone who decides they need one (I just think I am better than them).  

Can you see the alligator behind them? We went to the Everglades...

And boating on the gulf of Mexico where we found shells and sand dollars.

Thanks Aunt Janis and Uncle John for your hospitality.  We had a great time!


  1. I was wondering if you were ever coming back?? I am pro DVD in the car but I won't judge you either. The photos are beautiful-glad you had a great time!!

  2. Wow--that looks SO fun! I am just waiting for the day it stops snowing here. :) What a great break!

  3. I have been thinking about you in Florida! Lucky, lucky!
    I just love your anti dvd player attitude and your description of your drive. I love you!

  4. Ok, so the trip was more planned and less running away from the cold than I thought. I didn't know you have a sister in Florida. What a great place to escape.


pretty, pretty, please...