Friday, May 1, 2009

"New" table

Here it is -- the table that changed my life.  I moved one of the chairs so that the fancy legs could be seen.  What do you think?  Do you think it matches my house?  And me?  

And also a picture of some cool old butterflies I found at a garage sale, and the temple picture that made me question my ability to make basic decisions.


  1. Totally you, and wondefully beautiful. Must Not Covet. Must Not Covet. LOL

  2. OHHH I LOVE IT!!! I LOVE YOUR STYLE!! I agree it is YOU!! I feel like I have stuff but my stuff doesn't really "describe" me like yours. I too MUST NOT COVET!!!

  3. BTW I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE that picture of the temple!!!

  4. I have to say the picture of the temple is my favorite too. Where did you get it??? I love it all and it is ALL SO YOU! I have no style in terms of my house-maybe someday I will. Thanks for posting pictures. The cat on the loveseat completes it. I can tell it is all bringing you a lot of happiness. BTW, I took some stuff into Cute as a Button this week. We will see how it does.

  5. You do have great style! Thanks for posting a pic of the temple photo framed--looks gorgeous!


pretty, pretty, please...