Thursday, May 28, 2009


::some iris love with a side of peony

::the new playset

We *love* our playground.  I am not as diligent about taking my kids to the park as I should be so this has been wonderful.  We bought it from our friends and I am afraid that most of the payment went toward their time helping us put it together ~ very kind of them!  We have wanted one for years (and now my oldest two are a bit too big for it, sad!), but I was a little worried about it being an eyesore.  Once we got it up, it seems to meld into the surroundings nicely.  The kids are out there all the time (which keeps them from doing other things, like homework, whew!).  Notice we already have the requisite ruts signifying plentiful swinging time.


  1. Who did you get this from again? It is almost exactly the set we have in our backyard complete with the ruts and kids ALWAYS out swinging etc. My flowers aren't as pretty as yours though. I am afraid they didn't make the transfer. I really tried too! :-)

  2. I like your playset! Part of ours broke last fall, so we just have the tower part up, and we keep debating about the $$$ to buy the one we want to replace it. But I do love being able to send my kids out to the backyard to swing . . .

    The flowers are beautiful.

  3. Playsets are the best!! Remember the metal ones from when were little and they would tip over and the very narrow crooked slide. I am glad they are made much safer now.

  4. Love the peonies! Great minds think alike. one day I will have a jungle gym for my little monkeys....

  5. Love the playset! Such lucky kids. Love the iris and peonies too!


pretty, pretty, please...