Friday, September 25, 2009

last night some velcro changed my life

My name is Mary and I have plaster walls. It has been an insufferable burden for the last six years to not really be able to affix anything to them. Initially after moving in I excitedly pounded some nails in the hallway to hang up a large mirror that I like to have near my front door, but the subsequent crack up to the ceiling considerably dampened my hammering eagerness. Nevertheless, I pressed forward to adorn other rooms. I tried to ignore the sound of crumbling plaster behind the wall, more cracks, and larger than life nail holes, but eventually I was cowed. The daunting plaster had won and my bare walls stood as testament to their victory. I thought that the story ended there, but oh no, dear readers! A few weeks ago my savvy sister-in-law Stacie told me about the latest in wall hanging coolness ~~ velcro fasteners! There is a sticky side for the frame (or ANYTHING in the world that you want to put on your wall ~~ she even has an artistically aged baking pan stuck on her kitchen wall which would've been wretchedly complicated to attach any other way) with velcro on the other side and then another identical strip. The two strips then hold on tightly to each other (Ooh, I never can say goodbye... don't wanna let you go) and voila! Things are actually on. your. wall. It is true. And it has changed my life.

Here is a project I have been planning for years. I won't lie to you, I was scared. I was scared of putting things in the wrong places and my wall being riddled with punctures (I certainly wasn't going to actually plan ahead and plot out where to put things, that would not be honoring my true authentic self). But the velcro set me free and I just stuck things on there without any rhyme or reason ~~ grab a frame and thwack! on the wall and so on and so on. If I don't like it tomorrow I can just pull it off and no one (not even the cursed plaster) will be the wiser. Bliss, elation, and complete rapture!


  1. The velcro you stick to your wall doesn't pull off the paint? Your wall looks amazing! So cool. I'm really happy for you. A dream becoming reality! Yeah!

  2. I love those Command strips! I use the hooks all over the place. There the only ones that actually work!

  3. Wow, looks amazing! Do you just use regular velcro strips or are they special for the wall??? I am wondering too about the paint like "normal mom."

  4. looks amazing Mary. you are inspiring me !

  5. What kind of velcro is it, and where can I get it, I too need my life changed this way.

  6. I am pretty sure it is 3M brand and I found it in the hardware department at Target and Menard's. I should be their spokesman!

  7. Love the pictures going up your stairwell. Looks awesome!


pretty, pretty, please...