It was also raining because there was a funeral. Maybe it wasn't raining in Utah, but raining all day here seemed appropriate for my mood. My best friend's mother died. Long ago Kristin and I figured out that we were born 1 month, 6 days, 1 hour, and 3 minutes apart. We don't remember meeting each other for the first time we were just always friends. And her mom was like a mom to me. I was always at their house across the street and not once was I made to feel not welcome.
She always sang "Hel-lo Ma-ry" to me when I walked in the door.
And she let us do science experiments in her kitchen.
And she cared about the environment before it was trendy.
And she would take me along to the health food store and buy us honey candy.
And she never used chemicals in her shampoo, detergent, etc.
And she made crazy healthy dinners that always tasted good (and was happy to set an extra place).
And they drank real milk.
And she slept in on the weekends.
And they had a tulip table and chairs that we loved to spin in with a Nelson lamp above. Cool.
And they didn't mind us staying up until all hours at that table working on homework and other time consuming projects.
And she had a lovely garden (it's the one I picture whenever someone asks me how my garden is growing...)
And every Christmas we made stained glass cookies and gingerbread houses.
And her tree always looked perfect with nesting birds and a village around the base.
And we would sing along to Amahl and the Night Visitors.
And her dad was Lorin Wheelwright and we would go to his and Ila's house to gather around the piano singing Star Bright.
And she made amazing Christmas cards with photos and poems.
And she taught me piano for over 10 years.
And she always had Smarties.
And they had two pianos so we could play four person duets.
And she had us compose music every year and I even one a prize!
And she helped me love to sing always pulling things out for Kristin and I to work on together.
And she hosted doll tea parties with little boxes of chocolates.
And they always invited us to SLC to attend the symphony and concerts at Temple Square.
And they gave out Bit o' Honey every Halloween.
And she bought Kristin a make-up set that kept us quite occupied for years.
And she cheerfully took care of her mother-in-law.
And she was always learning new things.
And she couldn't wait to read us some interesting article out of the newspaper.
And they took us camping to Lake Powell and Capitol Reef.
And on a lot of other trips.
And she would tell us shocking things like how they had once slept naked on the rocks
And she knew the names of all the plants.
And she knew the sounds of all the birds.
And she loved sunsets.
And she never said a mean thing about anybody ~~ or was even negative about anything.
And she had the most amazing vibrant laugh. Ever.
And she shared it liberally.
And she was named Sylvia.
It's so hard to say goodbye. Thinking of you.
ReplyDeleteThat was a sweet tribute. How wonderful it is that our children can have angels pass through their lives like you had Sylvia. I have my mom's sister, Gloria. I hope my girls are blessed with someone to love them as Sylvia loved you!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great lady. I'm sad I didn't know her, but glad I know you!
ReplyDeleteIs this Kristin Kundic's mom I was just asking you about Kristin when we spoke on the phone. I'm so sorry. Wow, I had know idea she was so amazing. If it's her I think I met her a few times, while working on debate 'stuff' at there house til the wee hours of the morning.
ReplyDeleteShe sounds like a wonderful lady. I'm so glad that she was in your life.
ReplyDeleteAnd I've only been to about 5 funerals in my whole life, and at EVERY SINGLE ONE, it rained.
You have a lot of qualities that Sylvia had. What a blessing to have someone in your life like that!!
ReplyDeleteWow, what a tribute to this wonderful lady. You made me cry. I hope you send that to her family. I'm sure they would treasure it.
ReplyDeletecompletely beautiful. my condolences.
ReplyDeleteI'm late on this, but what a wonderful tribute. What a lovely, bright person, Sylvia.