Thursday, December 3, 2009

counting down

We got out our Christmas decorations last night finally.  Everyone in my house that is over 12 years old is being rather scrooge-y about it all in my opinion.  They think that since we are leaving we should pretend that Christmas isn't happening.  We are not leaving until after Christmas people!  It was frustrating because lights weren't working, trees were tilting, and people were yelling (that couldn't have possibly been the sweet mommy spreading holiday cheer...).  We are definitely paring down this season, but it is still nice to have some of it up.  I got an advent calendar from Garnet Hill on clearance last year (I am so very grateful for wonderful sales ~~ they make me happy).  I found a very nice idea on another blog of putting in scriptures leading up to the birth of Christ on Christmas day so I am eager to fill mine up.  Like I always say, better three days late than never!


  1. Sorry about the scroogy attitude. Lovely teenagers! :-) They appreciate it, they just are pretending.....right?! Can you believe I am still thinking to myself...... Mary is going to be gone for like 3 months. OH MY! You are such a sweetheart. Your cheer will be missed for a time! So, what blog did you find the scriptures at? We have done the same things for several years. I want to add a couple different things this year.

  2. french blog for you... super cool.


pretty, pretty, please...