My friend Gloria wrote in her blog that... (dot, dot, dot) is her favorite punctuation mark. Hey! Mine, too! However, she says, and I will quote her loveliness now: "it's the perfect punctuation for irritation, impatience or bad attitude." I must say that I completely disagree. For me, it is much more useful as a pause, a chance to ponder or to give weight to what was just said. Also, it is a wonderful tool to end a sentence, paragraph, or even an entire blog post, story, novel, what have you, by simply drifting away, leaving the reader with the opportunity to add more, as it were, to the story one didn't quite finish...
What is your favorite punctuation mark?
The midnight bells have long since tolled, baby is pattering down the hall, I should go to bed... (oh, what does she mean by that? only you can fill in the details...)
For me it's a toss up between the exclamation point!!!!!!! and the ..., and a lot of CAPITALIZATION!! I figure if I use a lot of bad punctuation then no one will notice. If I only use a little bit of it then everyone will!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI often use the ... as a kind of "I don't know" or question mark without using a question mark. My fave too.
ReplyDeleteI am just like Queen! I have a LOVE for capitals and exclamation points!!!!!!!!! I think maybe it I use enough of all of that, that no one will miss my gross errors elsewhere! LOL Oh I LOVE saying I HEART things! Cheezy but, that's who I there!!!!!!!! P.S I hope you are having fun! Oooo I can't wait to just sit and listen to your stories! :-)
ReplyDeleteWhile the ampersand is a close runner-up (and without question the absolute winner for the joy of the feeling it makes when it rolls off the tongue as well as its visually appealing nature), my favorite punctuation is the em dash: nice and long, strong, versitile, capable of strongly setting apart a thought yet tender enough to convey deep emotion and meaning in a Dickenson poem. & there you go---