Tuesday, February 2, 2010


::on the Rialto Bridge
::riding the Vaporetto


::love the striped posts!
::enjoying the pigeons
::getting ready to run some pigeons down!

::St. Mark's Square

::pink house ~~ LOVE the windows


  1. So beautiful. Looks like in the 30s all week... what will it be like in 1.5 weeks? I am off to buy some Space Bags to squish my bulky robe and sweaters into a packable size.

  2. Great pictures! You look so pretty in the ONE there is of you! I think the kids have all grown too. And now I know for sure that gondolas are boats and not sandwiches. ;)

    Miss you!

  3. LOVE the photos!!! Keep them coming!! You know how in the US you can't even go near water or a boat without a life jacket??? It amazed me while in Venice that I didn't actually have to wear one everywhere...you would have to in the US-it would be a lawsuit waiting to happen. Snow looks very pretty in Venice!

  4. I love that Phin is using our sippy cup right there in St Mark's Square! It's nice to know that one little piece of Sneddon is seeing the world . . .


pretty, pretty, please...