::girls dressing up
::cool old elevator
::walking to get the car -- it was hard to forget parking near that tower
::all the sidewalks were like this -- so nice
::can you see the biggest croissant ever?
::on the teleferic
::at the Castel Montjuic

::in the gardens

::National Art Museum
::the magic fountains -- music playing, millions of different formations, and colored lights -- the girls LOVED it and kept saying it was much better than fireworks. There was a glitch at the beginning so we thought the show might be cancelled, but then when it started it kept going for about two hours. We finally had to leave because we were getting so cold, we were being misted, and some people (we won't say who) were getting a wee bit bored.
::birthday dinner for our Japanese girl at a Japanese restaurant around the corner from our apartment -- one of the best we've ever had so if you're ever in Barcelona I'll tell you how to get there
::and some more art on the street -- this was an electrical box of some sort
Is it weird that I'm sad you are coming home soon? Our adventure will be over. OVERRRRR! No more awesome pictures. No more excitement. Life stinks, then you come home from vacation.