Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Little guy woke up so early and all I wanted to do was cuddle with him in my bed -- he would have none of that.  Finally I decided to get up and do some yoga -- well, of course, he was all about the cuddling then.  Laying along my front while I did bridge pose and riding my body like a boat while I was in bow pose.  Needless to say, a better workout than most mornings.

We are enjoying our summer thus far.  It has been much cooler since school has been out so we have only been swimming a couple of times.  The girls started tennis lessons, Ella is finishing up her AP history, Charles is in beautiful Zion, and I have very grubby fingernails from digging around in the garden at every available opportunity -- we have some arugula and lettuce for lunch!
::a study --  the peanut butter sandwich


  1. Oh man, that kid is too cute!! It was great seeing Charles Sunday night at dinner. He's so grown up!

  2. He is getting big - he was just a baby when I started reading your blog! I love summer. We just got home from lake Powell. Let the dreaded unpacking begin!

  3. Ooooo I just want to kiss him! He is such a cutie! They are getting all growed up and making me all.....well, I better not say. I may cry! LOL He is a cutie!


pretty, pretty, please...