Thursday, February 10, 2011

baby it's cold outside!

Ooowhee, it is cold here!  Brrrrrrr!  But it has been very sunny so that is something.   As long as you don't ever have to get out of your cozy bed.  Hmmm, wouldn't that be loverly!  And completely unrealistic for those of us who don't have a permanent staff to do all of the things that must be done.  

So the blizzard did hit us last week and we had three snow days in a row.  I cannot help it, and you can call me crazy, but I love snow days!  I love having the kids home; I love making comforting, warm food; I love having everything cancelled so that we can pretend that the outside world has come to a standstill for a little while; I love looking outside and seeing only animal tracks -- even down the middle of our road; I love having the wind howling and the snowflakes actually covering our second story windows, as we sit inside and stream too many things off of netflix (is that even possible); I love that our electricity didn't go out so we stayed warm and snug in our little haven; I love that my kids got along the whole time and didn't even turn on a video game until the afternoon of the third day, and even then it was only one stir crazy boy who, understandably, really wasn't all that interested in making up plays with the stuffed animals, being 14 and all; I even loved shoveling the snow... wait, no, that was the very, very bad part.

::my driveway is incredibly long -- can you see Lulu down there?  I suppose there is a price to pay for being able to drive in one way and out the other...
::but the kids helped

 ::and our neighbors eventually took pity on us and brought over their snow plow -- not when Matthew was out there, only when the pregnant lady decided to have a go
::Phin couldn't stop eating the snow, but it looked pretty clean and fresh
 ::and they had such a great time creating forts and other magical places

But now I'm ready for spring; 
Or for it to be at least 22˚, that would work, too.


  1. Phin has gotten so much bigger than from the time I first started reading your blog. Very cute pictures. You make staying inside for 3 days with kids sound so wonderful.

  2. Who would think that we would be ready to pull out the shorts over 27 degree weather?

  3. I love snow days too!!! We thoroughly enjoyed all being at home and doing nothing!!!

  4. Wow, this makes me wish for a little more snow instead of all of our nasty gusty wind!


pretty, pretty, please...