Friday, March 11, 2011

and... it's not a girl!

Yes, I am in shock -- we're having another brother.  Why would I be so surprised?  I knew that it had to be one or the other, but ever since I knew I was pregnant, I thought for sure that it was a girl.  I have had about 8 dreams that I was holding a baby girl and only one that it was a boy -- and in that one it was just an ultrasound dream, not an actual baby.  We only had a girl name picked out and I have been buying loads of girl clothes -- who can resist the sweet things at Gap when they're 50% off clearance I ask you?  Pas moi.  Ella said that I can still put the black and white kitty cat mary janes on a boy, but I'm afraid that would be a little much, even for me.  As I lay back while she did the ultrasound I couldn't help but be thankful that I had decided to find out because I don't know how I would've reacted at the birth.

My dreams have been bizarre.  Last week I dreamt I was leaving my neighbor's house out their back door and it led to a dark passageway that got smaller and smaller until I had to crawl out of a small opening into their backyard.  When I stood up I was holding a beautiful baby girl.  I asked Matthew to get her some clothes and he came back with something way too big, but I didn't care -- I was just relieved the labor had been so easy.  In my dream a few days ago I was laying on the floor massaging a baby girl and repeating over and over, "I'm so glad you're out.  I'm so glad you're out."  But when I woke up the baby was not out.  Hmmm.

So now we're back to square one.  Matthew is in California so when I called to tell him the ultrasound results he was as surprised as I was.  About 30 minutes later I got a text saying, "I can't believe we're having another boy.  When Ella leaves next year we'll have more boys than girls at home."  So strange because we were such a girly family for so long -- three girls and one boy -- but the tides have turned.  The rest of my texts  were boy name suggestions including: Clarence, Philo, Clive, Oscar...  So the challenge is on.  All recommendations will be taken into consideration.  I'm fairly certain that Reginald is out of contention, unfortunately.  

Well, at least we can rest easy that the Smith name won't be dying out on our account.  Phew!


  1. Henry. Super was supposed to be Henry, but Mr. Simple went and changed his mind at the last second.

  2. I was thinking about Jane Austen inspired names and in Emma there is a Mr. Knightly. That is interesting and it's made me think I should make you a list of Austenesque names.

  3. I love Clive, that is CS Lewis' name! I also like Jack, which was his nick name. Frank and Fred were among my top picks, but Alex didn't get a warm fuzzy about them. So it's probably Scott, which doesn't match our other names in spirit, but oh well.

  4. You know what that means? After Clive you need to have that baby girl! She'ssss waitingggggg.

  5. Boy names are hard! Both are boys were last minute names and I wondered if the people who made me fill out the birth certificate information rushed our choices. I like Fredrick, but not Fred. Zeke, and I love the name Mathew. That's what we had Miles named and changed it last minute. Good luck. Whatever you choose, it will be a great name.

  6. Oh, yay, a boy! I do love little boys. So exciting. Re: names -- Henry is a good one, no? ;) Seriously, though, it fits nicely with the rest of your selections. Charlie was almost Peter, which I still adore. Phin and Peter? Adorable. Harry. Thomas. Maxwell. Naming is such fun -- good luck! xo


pretty, pretty, please...