Tuesday, March 1, 2011

drats -- foiled again!

Tonight is New Beginnings at church so I changed my childbirth class, which normally meets on Tuesdays, to Monday night this week so I could go.  On Sunday I thought that perhaps I should e-mail everyone to remind them, but after 7(!) hours at church I dropped that from my agenda and just hoped that everyone would remember.  Well, almost everyone did.  You will never guess who didn't.  Yes, that is right, I didn't.  Not once all day did I even have a glimmer of memory, but instead lolled around doing absolutely nothing.  I would think about vacuuming and then think, "No, I should wait until tomorrow so it is fresh for my class."  Then I would consider wiping down the bathroom, but once again thought that I should put it off for one more day.  Instead of doing any household chores, I did yoga -- in the middle of the living room where I hold the class, then proceeded to leave all of the related paraphernalia laying around -- read books that weren't in any way related to my class topic and spent too much time on the computer, per my usual habit.  I even started making dinner really late since Matthew teaches a class, Ella was at dance, and Charles was playing at a b-ball game.  At 6:20 I started pulling some things out of the refrigerator and the doorbell rang.  Who could that be?  What a strange time for someone to be bothering me.  I go to the very darkened doorway, since I hadn't even turned on the porch light, peek out and what do you know?  It is the first couple arriving.  They were very kind and helped me rearrange the furniture, waited while I lectured the girls on how to feed themselves and Phin dinner and put him to bed, and were very patient while I quickly got out everything I needed for the class.  It was a little stressful, but it all turned out okay in the end.

I think I'm hopeless.


  1. I would LOVE to be in your class. I would love to be having a baby again. How are you? We should talk in a life phone call soon.

  2. What a fun setting for a class. At least it was at your home! Ours is at the library, so we would have had no teacher. And they always kick us out at 7:50 when the library closes.


pretty, pretty, please...