Friday, August 12, 2011

spoiled rotten

One week ago today something momentous happened -- I was no longer pregnant and/or giving birth.  Hooray!  And it's a good thing because I was acquiring a very bad attitude about the whole thing.  Now from the distance of a few days, I have been reflecting on all of my many blessings and how much attention I have received from so many people.  I was very sad that my mom couldn't come this time, for very good reasons, but everything is going very well.  I didn't really expect much for my sixth child -- I feel positively doted upon!

1. My lovely friends threw a joint shower for my friend and I and it was so nice!  I was a little hesitant at first because believe it or not, I really don't enjoy being the center of attention.  Now, of course, if I'm relating a completely hilarious anecdote, I do not mind all eyes on me in the least :).  Because of our amazing garage sale prowess, my friend and I both did not really need the little baby essentials, so everyone was so kind and generously gave us both money to buy something bigger for the babies.  Thank you so much everyone!  I put my money toward these two things:
    2. Dinners have been coming in all week -- and they've all been so healthy and delicious, with dessert to boot.  One kind person even brought me dinner a couple of weeks ago which was very nice for an over-pregnant person.  It makes me realize how much I desperately need a live-in cook!

    3. My family has been so attentive.  They bring me meals in bed, ice water on demand, hold the baby (what a chore that is!), and are letting me relax and recover without having to worry about anything.  Today the two older kids are gone (Ella's been at camp all week, so she missed baby's first week, so sad) and Matthew took the three younger ones to Chicago.  All is quiet and serene... a magical gift.

    4. My sweet friend made me the most gorgeous quilt -- I still can't believe that a. she went to all the effort for little old me and b. that she actually gave it to me and that I now own it.  I was trying to put the pictures that she took up here, but I guess you'll have to go to facebook to see it.  Or I may just have to take my own pictures, but then I'd have to get the camera, then find the thing-y to download it to the computer ...  It may not happen. Or maybe she'll just send me her actual files because you really have to see it!  I really think it may be the nicest gift I've ever been given (apologies in advance to those who have given me something amazing that I seem to have forgotten about at the moment).  Thank you dear friend!

    5. And of course, I feel the very most spoiled (read blessed) by the incredibly soft, velvety miracle that I have been snuggling for the last seven days.  He is so sweet!  Thank you, thank you for him.  I feel so fortunate!
    Arthur "Archie" Winfield Smith born August 5, 2011
    9 pounds 11 ounces


    1. He really is amazing!! What a blessing!! I was happy to see your 3 lovely daughters at church grown up!!

    2. Ahhhhh. So happy for you!

    3. What a sweetie. Congratulations!

    4. I have guilt. I did not know sweet baby boy Athur entered this world. LOVE the name by the way. I have been completely disconnected, kind of purposely and partly because we had computer problems and were trying to be frugal. Regardless, congratulations. He is absolutely beautiful. You can call baby boys beautiful. How are you? I must call soon for the details. I wish I lived close enough to hold him - even in the middle of the night so you could sleep. People think I'm joking when I say that but I'm not. I love newborns, it's my favorite baby phase. Also, your little man doubled all my babies weight at birth. Impressive. Hope you are ok.

    5. You are loved, and you deserve all the love you've been receiving from family and friend and dear little Fel. . . oops, Archie.


    pretty, pretty, please...