We had a dance last week at our church in honor of Saint Valentine and I had the distinct pleasure of helping to plan and execute said activity. Things of this nature tend to cause me a bit of stress and I wonder again why we don't have an activity committee any longer, but that is not for mere mortals to contemplate nor comprehend. However, as with many tasks I undertake in my life, I found that once I started it was quite enjoyable to gather with like-minded women for planning and then again to set up the night before. It looked very pretty, if I do say so myself, and I was quite looking forward to it. So the day of the soiree arrived and I realized that as I have acquired the holiday spirit I would like to reflect that in my appearance as well. But alas, I don't prefer the color red as a rule. What to do? I remembered that I had seen an adorable blouse at Old Navy the previous week and it had even been on sale. I had some other errands to do, plus my usual life, plus the kids were home that day from school, so I found myself at the mall at 5:30 p.m. -- just 30 minutes before I should be at the church, oh my! So I ran into the store, over to the rack, saw the perfect shirt hanging there tauntingly, but noticed immediately that it was no longer $15, it was $30. My heart sank, my spirits plummeted, as I realized that I just could not in good conscience pay that exorbitant rate. So I slunk, as quickly as one can slunk, home and hoped that I could find something suitable in my own closet. I rushed upstairs and started rifling through the hangers when what to my wondering eyes did appear? THE VERY SAME SHIRT! Oh dear. And yay! I guess I hadn't been able to pass up the wonderful deal, and I hadn't worn it yet so it simply hadn't had a chance to imprint on my brain yet, right? But I guess it does say something about my spending habits of late that I cannot even remember what I have and have not purchased. I really did think I had put it down. Well, I shrugged it on, pulled on my new to me $95 regular retail jeans from Goodwill, and felt pretty cute.
::the treat table, yummo! I resisted, resisted, resisted... then ate two cupcakes while cleaning up, ugh! I guess my willpower has a curfew...
::my friend had a great idea for a photo booth, she made cute little props, and I happened to have a spare frame laying around... possessing said frame and a camera also automatically nominated me to be the photographer for the evening, and photo developer the next day, yippee! -- here's Ibby with friend
::Phin didn't quite get the concept, but he is still cute!
::Matthew is rocking that boa! And isn't that a cute shirt? I liked it twice!
::baby LOVED the music and danced, stomped, boogied the night away. You know how babies can't quite jump, but they try really hard without getting their feet off the floor? Yeah, that. He did it all night. Never ceases to charm and delight me!
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pretty, pretty, please...