Saturday, March 30, 2013

spring break

Spring Break started off with a bang -- the biggest snow storm of the year!  Even ISU was cancelled so it was nice that Matthew didn't have to go teach.  We got to play outside and even go sledding!  It was actually a beautiful day.
 Then we went down to St. Louis for three days later in the week.  On Wednesday we went to the Magic House.  They had a fun exhibit where the kids help solve a crime and one of the activities was to crawl through the heating ducts and then go down a slide.  I saw a sign that said you needed to be 5 to go and told Phin that it was fine.  There was a girl sitting at the entrance and she looked at Phin and asked how old he was.  He said 4 and she told him he couldn't go.  I ran over and said, "His birthday is tomorrow!  He really is old enough to go up there.  Is it okay?"  And I knew I totally sounded like I was lying!  I mean, really, tomorrow?  Haha.

 ::Eating snow is one of Phin's favorite pastimes.
And the highlight of the day was when Lucy left her retainer at a restaurant -- her second lost since she first got the bite plate at the end of January.  Wonderful.  Then on Thursday, which was Phin's 5th birthday, Matthew and I went to the temple in the afternoon and we all went to the zoo in the afternoon.

 ::Right after this picture was taken, Matthew told Ibby to touch the bird.  She dutifully obeyed and was rewarded by almost being bitten and being squawked out loudly.  She cried.

 ::The birthday boy got to ride on a train around the park.

We went to the Old Spaghetti Factory for dinner that night and then went to the Cahokia Indian Mounds on the way home.  For some reason no good pictures of that, but we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves -- even with no proof!

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pretty, pretty, please...