Well, since we went to Wicked today -- I guess my second post will be that! I feel so fortunate that we live close enough to a big city to attend the occasional Broadway musical. There is something about live theater that just fills me up! I wake up singing, "Dancing through life!" and waltz around the house, "I think I'll try defying gravity!" And I love visiting Chicago. The tickets were bought several months ago, and I originally intended for Matthew to take Charles and the girls since I had already seen it a few years ago with Ella. Unfortunately, the date happened to coincide with Charles' cross country sectionals meet so he couldn't go. Also, that left us with no babysitter, but my lovely friend Clare was kind enough to watch the boys -- for over 11 hours!!! Charles kept saying all week, "I can't believe you're missing the last race of my high school career!" I hoped that he was wrong since he had very good chances of making state this year, but then a team that was supposed to make it didn't (seven runners not associated with a team can go to state -- we knew BHS wasn't going to make it -- but this other team had three runners faster than Charles, which he wasn't counting on) which put Charles in 10th place for those spots. He did get a PR of 15:47 which is just amazing to me for a three mile time! Long story long -- we did, in fact, miss the last race of his HS career -- fail! But we saw Wicked!
I always love the randomly placed art in big cities -- it sparks the imagination!
And this stand held the MOST adorable little puppet show -- great music and dancing starring a fawn puppy and a black cat!
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pretty, pretty, please...