We had a
very nice last week of Christmas break. Except that Archie got sick on Christmas Eve. He woke up in the night throwing up so we
had to call off all of our plans. We were going to go to the Clark's
for a murder mystery dinner and then the kids were going to get together
with all of their kids and the Johnson's kids, but I knew
that none of them wanted to get sick so we were all quarantined at
home. Sure enough, a few days later Phin got it, too and the rest of
just kind of stopped eating in defeat. I don't know for sure if I got
it, but Matthew told me that if I hadn't eaten for two whole days and never
felt hungry, I probably had something. True! Overall, I just felt like
it was completely unfair because we just had a stomach bug at
Thanksgiving for heaven's sake!!!! Once every two or three years is
okay, but four weeks??? Anyways, then it was just really cold so we
just stayed all snug in the house. I loved it, actually! Have a turned
into a homebody? We did puzzles, played games, and watched a lot of
t.v. When Charles came home from school last Wednesday he said,
"Where's the t.v.? I am having withdrawals!" It is obviously a very
addictive device, as you well know (smiley face, smiley face).
As I mentioned earlier, I'm teaching Charles' Sunday school class. Sometimes I just
feel like the lessons don't go well at all! And I'm sure it is my guilt
of not doing well at those things. The new curriculum is also very
difficult. There are no manuals, just vague topics and you are supposed
to teach by the spirit. That is great in theory, but hard when the
kids are either in lala land or talking up a storm. So the lessons on
sharing the gospel (I'm not good at that) and being a good teacher (I'm
not good at that) didn't go so well, but this last week was about
listening to the Holy Ghost and I love the Holy Ghost! So the lesson
went much better because I could use examples from my life where I felt
promptings, or peace, or warnings, etc. It is much easier to bear
testimony of something that we're actually doing a little bit right.
Last night, Matthew and I were on a panel for Standards Night. I was so nervous
that I was going to get questions about rated R movies (ummm,
sometimes?) modesty (it's subjective?) awkwardness (I don't want to talk
about porn, thank you), but it turned out to be about relationships --
finding the right one, dating, having Christ in your relationship... I
was sure relieved that we love each other or that would have been
uncomfortable, right? There were three other couples and it turned out
well. Matthew just said the most perfect things! I am so glad that
he's always tuned into the spirit and says things that just resonate,
you know? One other guy talked about how he dated so much! And he was
so popular! And that's how he narrowed it down! And they were talking
about fun dating ideas, etc. Then dad stood up and said that it was
really okay if you don't date and it made everyone so happy. Whew!
Another buggy things was that one of the women said that she had been
told at BYU I that any two righteous people could be married and make it
work. Gag! I understand where that is coming from: don't be too
picky, once you are married try to make it work, etc. But really? I
don't think I could be married to someone who likes to go hunting for
weeks on end, plays video games every night, watches football for hours
every weekend, hates foreign films, never eats vegetables, loves
watching Zombie movies, thinks I'm too liberal... But some women would
be fine with that! And that is great! Some people and personalities
just don't mesh well and you probably shouldn't marry them! Not to
mention that they should smell good to you. It would just be gross to
have sex with someone you aren't attracted to. So there you have it.
You will be happy to hear that I didn't stand up and yell that to
everyone. I kept it bottled up inside -- until now.
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