My day started before the break of dawn when Archie climbed into bed at 4:30 or so. I think he must have slept a little bit more, but it seemed like it wasn't too long at all before he was kicking off the covers, kicking my back, changing positions, and whispering to me. Finally, at 6:30 I had had enough and just took him downstairs with me. I wanted to make heart-shaped waffles so I started the batter. We didn't have enough regular flour so I used the ultra expensive almond flour that I'd gotten at Schnuck's last week. I also used almond milk and almond flavoring -- plus real butter instead of vegetable oil -- yummo! Well, the melted butter started clumping because it was too cold. Then, when I put it in the waffle iron it just sizzled and came pouring out the sides. I don't know why! I thought that maybe the waffle iron was acting up. We haven't used it for a while so it could be that, right? So, like the brilliant person that I am, I decided to pull our the other waffle iron. I know that that one works because I've used it recently. Pour on some batter and -- voila! Same thing. A sickening sizzling sound followed by copious amounts of ooze bursting out of the sides. I sighed as I looked at the results of my efforts thus far. Two completely messy waffle irons that will require huge amounts of scraping later and no edible breakfast yet. By now it is 7:15 and Charles has left for the day. Sorry buddy! No Valentine breakfast for you! So, next I added some regular flour and fired up a frying pan to make pancakes instead. Ibby wanted to help with making lunches and various and sundry other things all happening at the same time, resulted in the first few burning! Great! It keeps getting better and better. Finally, they started turning out okay after I found the perfect temperature, timing, rotating the pan, etc. Everyone declared that they were melt in your mouth almond delicious-ness -- victory at last! The next task was to tackle those bleeping waffle irons! I scrubbed, scoured, picked with a knife, used a bottle scrubber, used a straw scrubber brush... blah! And I probably ruined them both by running them under water. The whole experience left me feeling deflated. I didn't exercise, I didn't do my morning pages, I didn't read the scriptures. I just wasted time until I had to get ready to go to Phin's class. We stayed for almost 2 hours with the party and then our weekly centers help. Archie was really well behaved, as usual. He liked the treat, of course, and then played around on the computer. The kids kept pointing out that he was doing it wrong, but he didn't care so neither did I.
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pretty, pretty, please...