Monday, May 12, 2014

dance and skype

The girls are dancing in the dining room today because I suddenly sold the dining room table (since yesterday) and now it is empty.  I had been halfheartedly trying to sell it for a few months and then someone wanted it today and came and took it away.  I thought it was pretty, but it was a little too precious for what we use it for.  It would sag on the side while we were doing crafts and come apart in the middle while we were trying to keep the Settlers board together.  But I had decided to just live with it and now I have to find another table!  I might have wanted to get a white table, but it wouldn't look very good with the sideboards so I guess I'll just get wood color.

Did I mention that Lucy and I might be going to Guatemala in July?  Too bad we don't speak Spanish. 

The girls had their dance recital on Saturday.  I didn't get one pic of Lucy in her costume!  Sometimes I am so lame!  But I got one of Ibby and some of the girls outside.

We were able to skype with  Ella yesterday for Mother's Day so that was great!

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pretty, pretty, please...