Monday, June 16, 2014

grumpy granny

It has gotten hot and humid here.  Really just in the last couple of days.  It has actually been so pleasant around these parts which is pretty unusual.  We had Charles' graduation party this past Saturday.  He did it with Sam out at his grandparents' cabin at Lake Bloomington.  I had never been to that lake and I've lived here for 11 years!  Isn't that crazy?  The cabin was very nice and they had a little speed boat for people to go tubing and a bigger pontoon boat for a cruise around the lake.  A lot of their friends came, but the only people who came from the ward were Jordan and Justin Myers and then I called the McLaughlin's and told them to come because their kids would love the boats, etc. so they came, too.  But we had invited tons of people.  I didn't feel too bad, but I did a little teeny bit because I have been to so many people's freaking graduation parties!!!!  But we're never first choice.  We're friendly and likable, but not popular, right?  It's a family characteristic.  So we had loads of food leftover.  And we had a lot of fun!  We were there from about 1-6 and everyone was happy and entertained the whole time.  I had never even met Sam's parents, but they were really nice.

I had more drama with Fara, but we're okay now.  And my period started.  I guess I have really bad pms.  I just need to be more aware of that and not take any of my thoughts seriously for a couple of weeks out of every month.  And people should be nice to me.  We did agree that she was a little rude and that I was sadder than I should've been about it.  We love each other -- a lot.   And she's gone now.

I guess nothing else is really happening.  I'm trying to remember to study Spanish, but I keep forgetting.  We're going to be staying in people's houses in Guatemala so it would be nicer if I could talk to them a little bit.

Oh, I just finished my first afghan!  It is a Granny Stripe and I got the pattern from Attic 24  and I think it turned out pretty well for my first project.  It is going to be for Lulu.

Monday, June 9, 2014

moody mooderson

Abe is chillin' on the couch playing with Sophie the giraffe, but who knows how long that will last? 
I'm trying to think if anything interesting or exciting happened this week... Hmmm.  Fara is here visiting, but mostly visiting her mom, which is completely understandable, but when she was down here last Tuesday and Wednesday, she hung out with us for about three hours on Tuesday afternoon and then said she would text me in the morning with what she was going to do that day.  She was staying at Cherrie's house because Cherries has a guest room and we don't, but when she told me that she assured me that she would still see us, but then she never texted me.  All day Wednesday I kept thinking I should go do something, but what if they wanted to play with us?  So we just waited around, which was stupid.  And when I woke up in the morning, I had gotten dressed thinking I would see her, etc.  Around 3:00 I started getting emotional about it, which I knew I shouldn't, but I couldn't help it and by the time she did call me (around 4:30) I was too upset to meet her because I didn't want her to know I was upset and I couldn't stop crying!  Besides, Ibby and I are doing Celebrate America (the thingy at Miller Park on 4th of July) and we had practice at 5:30 -- a fact I had informed Fara of the day before, so we didn't have time anyway.  Blah!  It was so stupid!  I know Fara likes me and she wasn't purposely trying to hurt my feelings, I was slathering my neck and arms with happy, feel good essential oils, I tried to distract myself, and still I couldn't stop being upset.  Matthew was very nice about it, but I'm sure he thinks I'm crazy.  Around 10 p.m. I was sitting at the kitchen table sobbing and Charles came in from work.  He asked what was wrong with me and Matthew told him that I found out about his secret.  He stopped and his jaw dropped, his arms went up, what???  I started laughing so hard and couldn't stop -- it was hilarious!  And finally broke my silly mood.  So then I saw her on Thursday morning and she never knew.  Yay!

On Saturday night I went to a baby shower and was talking to Melissa McLauglin telling her how much I love all of her clothes.  She said she liked mine, too and we should share.  I mentioned that it was too bad that we are not the same size and Sarah Patten exclaimed that since Melissa is pregnant and her belly is growing that maybe we'll be the same size soon.  What the heck?  I looked right at her and pointed out how rude that was then mentioned to Melissa that now I'm fat on top of being loud.  We're waiting for the next insult so that I can have a trifecta of unfortunate qualities.

I took some pics of the house for a type 1 facebook thing:

And a cute bub

Monday, June 2, 2014

He did it!

We joined a farmers coop this year so we paid in advance and will go to pick up our crate every Tuesday.  It actually started last week, but I had something else that night and couldn't go pick it up.  The farmer said that I could get a double portion tomorrow as long as there are leftovers so that was nice of him.

Yesterday was crazy.  It was Charles' graduation so that was fun! Congratulations! We couldn't be more proud of our little sack of flour  It was very similar to Ella's graduation ceremony, but the talks were better at hers.  Charles looked so incredibly bored!  I'm sure you can recall his usual pained expression.  Just add a purple robe and hat to that.  He said that only interesting part was walking across the stage.  Ellen was there being a "marshal" so she had on a white robe and helped everyone to their seats, etc.  She is Junior Class President and has already been elected as Senior Class President.   Doesn't that seem a little strange?  I don't think they should even let people run who have already been the president, but that is just me.  Spread the love!  I didn't tell her that, though.  She came to our house for dinner and we were telling her that her talk should be better next year -- she didn't give one this year, in case that sounded totally rude.

Last Friday we had the ward campout.  Charles had to work --  he got a job at a Thai restaurant which is awesome!  We are excited for him and will hopefully get some food out of the deal.  And today he started his other job at the Bloomington library.  Two totally nice environments, don't you think?  Way better than fast food.  Anyway, everyone else went and we all even stayed the night!  I was having a lot of fun singing around the campfire with Melissa McLaughlin and others when this new lady in our ward came out of her tent (her family put theirs the closest to the campfire so that was their first mistake) and told us that if we were going to be there until 2:00 a.m. then they were just going to go home right then.  Then she looked at me and told me that  I am so loud!  And that she could hear my voice above everyone else and it just carries so far!  I was mortified!  Mind you, almost everyone and their kids were still up running around and making noise, but I'm the loud one.  Great.  So I grabbed Lucy and Ibby and we went to bed right away.  Matthew had already gone to the tent with the boys and he said he couldn't hear us.  Anyway, I couldn't sleep at all because I was so upset.  And I was laying on a twig.  And there were really loud frogs croaking.  I got up around 6 not having slept at all, but we took the boys on a walk and then she and her family were gone when we got back.  She is a funny person.   Anyway, I decided to write her a note and tell her that I was sorry that I am so loud, that I don't have a sense of time and didn't know how late it was, and that I'm pretty inconsiderate anyway and hadn't thought for one second that my singing was bothering anyone.  She hit a nerve with the loud thing.  I hate that about myself.  And Matthew has been telling me how loud I am every chance he gets ever since.  So playful!  She wrote back and said that she was sorry, too and was just frustrated because her kids couldn't go to sleep.

That is your story for the week.  Not much else going on.