It has gotten hot and humid here.
Really just in the last couple of days. It has actually been so
pleasant around these parts which is pretty unusual. We had Charles'
graduation party this past Saturday. He did it with Sam out at his
grandparents' cabin at Lake Bloomington. I had never been to that lake
and I've lived here for 11 years! Isn't that crazy? The cabin was very
nice and they had a little speed boat for people to go tubing and a
bigger pontoon boat for a cruise around the lake. A lot of their
friends came, but the only people who came from the ward were Jordan and
Justin Myers and then I called the McLaughlin's and told them to come
because their kids would love the boats, etc. so they came, too. But we
had invited tons of people. I didn't feel too bad, but I did a little
teeny bit because I have been to so many people's freaking graduation
parties!!!! But we're never first choice. We're friendly and likable,
but not popular, right? It's a family characteristic. So we had loads
of food leftover. And we had a lot of fun! We were there from about
1-6 and everyone was happy and entertained the whole time. I had never
even met Sam's parents, but they were really nice.
I had more drama with Fara, but we're okay now. And my period
started. I guess I have really bad pms. I just need to be more aware
of that and not take any of my thoughts seriously for a couple of weeks
out of every month. And people should be nice to me. We did agree that
she was a little rude and that I was sadder than I should've been about
it. We love each other -- a lot. And she's gone now.
I guess nothing else is really happening. I'm trying to remember to study Spanish, but I keep
forgetting. We're going to be staying in people's houses in Guatemala
so it would be nicer if I could talk to them a little bit.
Oh, I just finished my first afghan! It is a Granny Stripe and I got the pattern from Attic 24 and I think it turned out pretty well for my first project. It is going to be for Lulu.
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pretty, pretty, please...