Happy Groundhog Day! Did the groundhog see his shadow where you are?
It is very sunny here today with a balmy temperature of 7˚!!! So we
have six week left of winter. Which is how it usually is. It is 7
weeks until the Spring Equinox so that sounds about right. Often it is
still chilly in April, and Matthew always always always complains, but it is
like in the 40's and I patiently explain that that is Spring weather!
Silly man. It snowed all Saturday night and all day yesterday so they
declared a snow day from church and we enjoyed the beautiful falling
snow. It was also the superbowl, but we didn't watch it because we
don't have t.v. AND we don't really care.
This morning Phin found a magic 8 ball in Lucy's
room so he came down to ask me how it worked. I told him that you ask
it a question, but he couldn't think of one so I suggested asking if it
would snow tomorrow. It answered with a simple yes. Then he looked at
it and asked, "Is Jesus real?" That's the only question he could think
of? So I hoped for a good outcome as he shook, and then looked and it
said, "It is certain." So great! I then explained that, of course, it
is just a toy and that we shouldn't take it too seriously.
been studying Spanish every day with an app on my phone. I guess I'm
getting pretty good, because Lucy did a trivia challenge (another app)
all in Spanish and I got all of the questions right and totally won!
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pretty, pretty, please...