Thursday, June 9, 2016

Session One

Normally the yoga training at Bodhi Yoga that I am doing is done in sessions over the course of five months!  And we're doing it all in ten days -- so essentially one month of study and instruction squished into two days, ack!  So we've had to get right down to business.  The first session is titled Bone, Breath, and Gesture.  We've looked at the intention and introduction to yoga, the foundations of Asana -- or poses, and learned some ways to teach the Tier 1 of the BodhiFlow vinyasa.  

I especially liked learning about the breath.  I have done Ujayi and Three Part Breath in yoga classes and I learned the Breath of Fire doing Kundalini yoga on dvd, but we learned several more in class and in the online videos.  We also learned about the Gunas -- which is a totally new topic for me!  The three gunas have to do with movement: Rajas is very dynamic movement (in and out of poses), Tamas is strong and deep (extension from head to feet), and Sattva is light and graceful (balancing).  I can see how knowing about the gunas will not only help me with my own practice, but also help teach it to others.  It's amazing how breaking things down into parts eventually leads to everything coming together better in the end! 

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