Tuesday, August 23, 2016
A First Time for Everything
I finished my yoga training at Bodhi Yoga in June, but I had a bit of a traumatic experience trying to lead a certain someone in yoga and it completely messed me up! I came home from the training and have hardly done any yoga at all -- no personal practice, no Maya Fiennes on Amazon, no crazy little dvds, and I certainly haven't had the gumption to try teaching a class! My sweet friend, Andrea, insisted that I needed to start getting my teaching hours in toward my certification so she lovingly compelled me to go to her house this morning. I was very nervous, but I put a little flow together and was fine. Fine! She had never done yoga before (!) so it was easy to show her a few simple things and the hour passed peacefully and quickly. I even did some hands on adjustments! Which was a little scary, but we all survived!
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pretty, pretty, please...