Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Robin Egg Blue
When I was doing my Restorative Partner Yoga training at Bodhi Yoga I really enjoyed the immersive aspect of the experience. (I did a 10 day intensive course, and Syl Carson, the owner, also offers a course that meets on weekends over a few months). I probably could have stolen away and gone back to my mom's house or had lunch with family, but I loved staying really close to the studio and not getting into my car for the whole day. On the last day of the training, I walked across the street to my favorite little soup place. It felt cold and loud inside the restaurant -- I can never really adjust to air conditioning, brrr! So I took my food outside to have some quiet time (near the road, haha) and feel the sun burrow into my bones. As I sat down, a small blue object caught my eye. I bent down to see what it was and found the remains of a robin's egg! I looked around and could not imagine where it possibly could have come from! It was just lying in the rocky ground cover all by itself. Don't they usually fall from a tree? But there weren't any trees nearby. So, I concluded that it must obviously be a message from the universe! Of course. I took the egg back to the studio and presented it to Syl as a gift, adding it to the objects on the main altar. Later I looked up what the meaning could be and found this:
"Robin will incite new growth in all areas of your life, areas that have become stagnant and out-dated. You must believe in yourself as you move forward for if you do, barriers will disappear, and confrontations will be for show only. Robin will show you how to do this with joy in your hearts. Their song is a happy one, reminding you to let go of your personal drama and learn to laugh with life.
The robins eggs are powder blue. This colour is associated with the throat chakra in man and is also linked to heavenly inspiration. As the throat chakra’s main function is use as an expression of All That Is and the egg is symbolic of new life, you will be taught how to express yourselves positively in all you do. You will be lead to new beginnings without fear by restoring trust in yourself and your soul. Meditate on Robin and the right path will be shown to you."
I thought that was very applicable as I was ready to start out on this new path -- growing, the need to believe in myself, learning to laugh with life, and finding my voice in this new modality. I still don't see myself as a healer, but as I have gone through this experience of getting my practice hours in, I have loved hearing how good it makes people feel, how restorative the sessions are, and yes, how incredibly healing this Partner Yoga can be. Plus, it's my favorite color! So, that is also a little kiss from heaven telling me I'm on the right track.
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pretty, pretty, please...