Tuesday, April 7, 2009

First and Last

Oldest girl just turned 15  -- I have such tender feelings for my first baby!  I feel like our time with her at home is "far spent" so I want to enjoy the next few years as much as possible.  She wanted a "pastry" instead of a cake, so I found the easiest one possible and it was really good, if not quite as pretty as an actual birthday cake.

And youngest boy turned 1 last week.  Whoa!  That year couldn't have rushed along more pell-mell and I don't see things slowing down anytime soon.  For some reason I always feel like in two weeks I will have more time.  What on earth am I thinking?

And he finally got a much needed haircut.  What a handsome boy  -- oh, who just woke up.  Ciao!


  1. He is a beautiful child! I am glad to see I'm not the only one is a little anxious that my kids are growing up so quickly. Seriously, though, were we not just 15 running arm and arm down the halls of THS?

  2. I CAN'T believe you have a 15 year old. What?

    And that Finn - oh, so sweet! I feel the same way about Andrew being one and walking all over the place, like, when did that happen?

    I wish our little boys could play together right now - they are both so cute!

  3. I have been thinking about our little Phin turning one.

    And Ella is SO lovely.

  4. Oh Mary, he's so beautiful! I cannot believe he's one already! It makes sense of course because I can look at Joey's age and subtract but still!
    Oh and we looked at the photo above of the birthday pastry and I showed Joe. WOW Your little girls are so big compared to the last time we saw them!
    I'm glad you are doing alright! You still hold the most precious spot in our hearts!

  5. Wait, first and LAST!?!
    Are you announcing that Phin is definitely your last?
    Someone with your mommy skills should be having more children to bless with your love and abilities. Really!

    But it's none of my business, at all. So although I really fell this way, please ignore the above comment.


pretty, pretty, please...