Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday

Happy Good Friday!  My kids are home from school today which I always love.  We have had a relaxing morning and look forward to having essentially two Saturdays!  I made asparagus omelets for breakfast and later we will dye Easter eggs and get ready for the holiday.  I found this recipe for Resurrection Rolls.  We made them for Activity Days last week and I am going to make them again with my kids.  They are a finger-licking, lip-smacking way to teach a lesson so what more could you want?  I really love Easter, maybe because I love Spring so much, but also because the Easter story itself is so full of hope and promise.  Last weekend during our church's General Conference so many of the talks were about Christ and how we can have hope and happiness even in troubled times.  Pres. Monson wins the prize for telling the all-time saddest story I have ever heard(!) in his talk entitled Be of Good Cheer.  So after we picked ourselves up out of the puddle of tears (war, grrrr), we could see that even in the most trying circumstances we can find peace.  It is hard to remember that sometimes and very good to be reminded.  Happy Easter!


  1. I love those blue eggs! Are they from Martha?

  2. It seemed like every talk had a story about someone dying... I thought it was a bit of the postpartum thing. I'm glad someone else thought that the Prophet's story was terribly sad.


pretty, pretty, please...