Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Last Thursday night it froze so everything not winter hardy turned black!  Fortunately I was out in the dark gathering up the green tomatoes, peppers, zinnias, and some lovely dinner plate dahlias (that had to fend for themselves since I'm too lackluster to stake anything).

I even dug up the bulbs to save for next year so we'll see if I'm capable of letting them exist that long.  I also pulled up the rest of the garden and gathered the zinnia tops for seeds.

Another Halloween picture -- we went to our first ever Murder Mystery party.  I was Madame Garlique and Matthew was Balihi the RodgersandHammerstein monster.  I already owned everything that made up my costume (except the garlic I had to buy), who knew I was so bohemian?  And we found Matthew's seersucker suit at an estate sale that morning for one dolla'.  And really, I must insist that people take my picture from above only!  That chin = not good.
And I think I need this for Christmas:
I promise that I would use it to go to the store!  As long as it wasn't too hot or too cold (basically for about two weeks out of the year).


  1. Matthew's costume is killing me!!! That bike...you really should live in Europe!

  2. My neighbor designed those bikes! My other neighbor wants to sell his for $600 (OBO?) if you can think of a way to get it to IL...

  3. I have always wanted to go to a murder mystery dinner! how fun!!! you guys are awesome to take the costumes full out...

  4. I lusted after the Dutch version with the bucket up front. Zach said he saw about 100 in Amsterdam while he was there. 100 out of thousands of other bikes. Still, that's a lot. I wonder if kids ride in them too? Glad to see we weren't the only parents who went all out this Halloween. Any photos of the kids??

  5. The Clarks sure know how to put on good Murder Mystery parties hugh! I am thinking of getting together one after the holidays! You both look awesome!! By the way, I am using extra exclamation points just because I know you love it when people do that!!!!!!!! :-) Oh and I so think you and I both need that bike. I may only be able to use it for 1 week opposed to your two. Hope all is well. :-)


pretty, pretty, please...