Monday, November 1, 2010

lions, and glenda, and flamenco dancers -- oh my!

Another crazy weekend!  The kids didn't have school on Friday so the insanity started a little earlier than usual with free scary face pancakes at IHOP, a trip to the library for a costume parade, taking Ella to the school for Madrigal practice while I conferenced with some teachers, shopping for some last minute Halloween items, taking Charles to a carb fest at Avanti's then upon finding we were at the wrong location scurrying across town to the other restaurant, getting everyone ready for the trunk or treat at the church, and dance practice. Saturday started bright and early with the girls and I going to Chicago and the boys going to Peoria for cross country sectionals and ended with Matthew at stake conference, Ella at a teen party, me and the little girls at a neighborhood party, and Charles holding down the fort with sleeping Phin and taking notes on the "Rally to Restore Sanity/and or Fear" for us.

::shopping on Michigan Avenue

::eating at the Melting Pot -- mmmmm
::going to the Lion King -- I'm not a huge fan of the movie (or the story, or even the music necessarily), but the costumes, dancing, and singing were fabulous!
::lovin' the city!
::always playing
::Charlie running -- look at that great form!
::Happy Halloween!
::he may not be able to see us, but we can see that he's pretty cute!


  1. The Melting Pot is the best place to eat....EVER!!!!!! Yummy!!! Looks like you girls had a great time. I saw Lion King in London and I have to say I wasn't a huge fan either...except for the costumes. The kids look super cute in their costumes!!

  2. Ya, the Melting Pot IS the BOMB diggity!! It was so fun seeing you! Your kids look adorable and glad you had a great time!


pretty, pretty, please...