Thursday, January 19, 2012

hair-y karey

Since the baby hit about 3 months old my hair has been falling out in droves (does that make sense?  a LOT).  As a result, it is so thin and difficult to make it look nice.  For the past few weeks I've been using hot rollers -- yes, I did have a dusty collection way in the back of the linen closet -- which has helped, but after a few hours it looks limp and sad.  No one wants to look pathetic... so I've been thinking about cutting it all off and then we started watching the show "Once Upon a Time" and Mary Margaret's hairstyle is so cute it inspired me to just go ahead and do it!  Well, I wanted to look like this:
And instead I look like this:
It took me a while to find her picture, but aren't you glad I did?  Remember her?  Funny story about this, I remember watching this movie on t.v. with my sister, Ellen, when I was six and it made the most tremendous impression on me -- imprisoned for 25 years for a loaf of bread! -- and then when I was in high school I picked up Les Miserables and there were Jean Valjean and Cosette, like long lost friends -- I had had no idea what the story was called.  Anyway, I digress, but the fact is, all I can think of when I look in the mirror is that I wanted to look cute and instead I look like poor, destitute Fantine.  It even sticks up in the same places.  All I need now is a stained, gray nightgown to complete the pretty picture.  I thought the hairstylist knew what I was talking about, but all around it is much too short, much too much like a boy haircut, and very choppy.  Aaagh!  And $40 later I still look pathetic, lovely.


  1. Well, I haven't seen your new 'do, but I'm quite sure it isn't pathetic or ugly. But I hear you on the thinning hair. I always lost tons after each kid, and then, sometime last year, I started losing hair again. And it is constantly frizzy. Thin, frizzy, greying hair. Now THAT'S ugly. I've decided to just stay with a chin length bob for the rest of my life because whenever I do anything else, I hate it. Hope that you start to love your hair soon. Or at least that it grows out quickly :)

  2. I saw it and it's cute! I think if you can puff it up at the crown it will actually look a lot like the GOOD picture. And in a couple of weeks, when your bangs grow out a bit, you'll like it better.
    Haircuts when you have a baby are always bad--I whacked all my hair off when Shannon was a baby. I hated it, but when I look back at the pictures, it was kind of cute. And it was totally easy.

  3. Awww Mary...I'm sorry you feel this way. I haven't seen your hair, but I will tell you the truth once I do see it! I cut all my hair off too...& it was HORRIBLE! It looked good if I worked w/ it for an hour, but other then that I looked like a boy....w/ boobs. It will grow out. Feel free to cry for 3 months while it grows in. Just make sure you take lots of pictures of it in case you have the urge to cut it off again in a few years (I want to hack mine off too....but I have the pictures to prove it looked gross on me.) No matter are still my Mar-Mar...& I'm sure it's not as bad as you think it is. Just hold your destitute head high & wear lipstick. Lipstick makes every hair style look better!

  4. Been there... nothing is worse than a bad haircut. I looked like Jim Carey on "Dumb and Dummer" for several months, then it was more of a Beatles mop, which I liked. Lots of work, though.


pretty, pretty, please...