murmur, murmur
So much for my goal of blogging more often -- but I have an excuse! We have had a run of bad luck -- not just coming in threes, but going on and on, day after day, for more than two weeks! Nothing catastrophic, mind you, I am thankful and aware of how nice our lives are, however it was starting to feel like we were slightly cursed:
- old van breaks down
- kitchen cupboard falls off and can't be reattached because everything is stripped
- vacuum stops sucking
- other kitchen cupboard falls off because the #$? kids are always leaning on them no matter how many times I say not to -- blast them!
- have to return ipad to ISU (my precious)
- Phin climbs up on top of dresser and pulls down hanging shelf, breaking everything on it!
- my back goes out -- can't sit, walk, hold baby, stuff like that
- our new van gets rear ended
- the computer won't turn on at all -- officially disconnected from the world
- Phin gets stomach flu (Sunday)
- Lucy gets stomach flu (Monday)
- Mom and Archie get stomach flu (Tuesday) -- I was down and out without netflix or anything -- I know, it was like a nightmare! And Archie lost some of his cheek bulk, so, so, sad. It was, however, heavenly to just lay in bed with my baby all day napping and cooing to each other...
But now it's Thursday and I have confidence in sunshine, that spring will come again, and that we'll all feel right as rain! Things are coming together: we traded in the van, although it's sad to see the two van era come to an end; the computer was an easy fix and is back on the desk (it looked so sad and empty); the vacuum is still under warranty and will be back in two weeks (!); no one has vomited in almost 24 hours; (update: I think Ella is down...); I completely removed the cupboard doors and put up pillow cases -- anything is better than seeing inside the cupboards; I read a book -- amazing how much time that ipad was sucking up; the new van should be able to be mended pretty easily; and I went to the chiropractor yesterday morning for the second time this week.
Speaking of curses, Ibby informed us that she made a deal with Rumplestiltskin and since all magic comes with a price we were paying for it! That explains everything.
::Archie month 5
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pretty, pretty, please...