Monday, February 10, 2014
Tonsils -- who needs 'em?
Charles got his tonsils out last Tuesday and that kid is grumpy!!! It is funny because he hits the table (or wall, or window, whatever is handy) whenever I talk to him and I remembered that he kind of used to be like that all the time! It reminds me to feel grateful for how far he has come in the last few years. He is quite a pleasant fellow, for the most part. Clare says it is the pain medication and that it had the same effect on James. She finally just hid it from him when he had surgery. I am just not going to refill it, although he says his throat hurts a lot. Sorry dude! Alex Ramsay came to visit us for the weekend! I was dreading it a little bit, because I didn't know if he would get into any trouble on my watch and also I knew he would be bored because Charles wasn't really up to doing anything. We picked him up from the airport on Friday morning and they basically sat down in the basement until he left again this morning! Not really, but almost. First of all, it is totally freezing! I think it is 2˚ right now, so it wasn't like he could go sledding or anything. Then on Saturday it snowed and snowed and snowed and snowed so the roads were bad. Charles couldn't drive anywhere because of the codeine and Alex wasn't used to driving in the snow. We drove them over to the church to play basketball with some boys, but then realized that there was a Mexican wedding happening -- party! So they couldn't anyway. Then Sunday he went to church with us (Charles didn't come) and we drove him past his old house. Whoop! He was so pleasant and nice, though. He didn't seem frustrated about anything. He was helpful and nice to the little boys. He said it was just nice to get out of Arizona and hang out with us. Great!
On Saturday we went to the David Davis Mansion for Abraham Lincoln's birthday! There wasn't anyone else there because of the aforementioned blizzard-y weather so it was nice. We invited Eva and Millicent and Clare. Clare had never been there. Can you believe that??? It is funny how we ignore the fun things that are in our own backyard, as it were. The guy who was playing Lincoln was really great! He really looked like him and the stories that he shared were awesome!
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pretty, pretty, please...