I am sitting here with
Archie feeding me fake strawberries -- they are delicious! And the sun
is streaming through the windows, but it is still freezing!!! Right now
it is 16˚ feels like 9. I guess that is about 50˚ warmer than last
Monday so we are good! Tomorrow the chance of snow is 100% so that
should be fun! It snowed all day on Saturday, too! I actually really
like snow as long as I don't have to drive in it! It is so cozy to be
sitting inside and watching it fall so prettily. And there is nothing
like the muted stillness of an unplowed street.
Sorry that I was
complaining last time! My life really isn't hard. It was
totally just my period. I bought an essential oil blend called,
"Serenity" to help me with that, but it worked so well that I sent it to
Janis to help her feel serene and haven't ordered any more for myself!
I bet Matthew wouldn't mind me spending that money, right? So the girl
came over to take my picture on Thursday and it really wasn't so bad! I
don't know why I get myself so worked up. You just never know with
those artistic types, though. They could be the artist who thinks they
are super cool and are a little patronizing to the uncreative peon
masses, but she wasn't like that at all! The second she came through
the door we were friends, so that was really nice. She told me that she
has a lot of ideas for projects, but then doesn't do them and later
sees other people do the same idea. So now, even though she isn't quite
sure where the project is headed, she just decided to do it! I told
her that I agree that if you ignore inspiration (the holy ghost) too
many times, he will stop coming around, for sure! She had me get all
ready for the day with make-up on, hair done, etc. She took a few pics
and then took pictures while I washed off the make-up, took down my
hair (I had it in a bun), and I changed into some comfortable. And yes,
I have yoga pants. Then she took some more pics. The boys kept coming
around to see what she was doing and she took some shots of them, too.
She has four kids: an 18 year old named Lydia, and triplets that are 6
years old. So she was very nice to the boys. It was nice doing
something I wasn't comfortable doing, but that wasn't too painful
either. I hate posing for pictures so she just had me talk while she
took the pictures. I filled out a questionnaire the night before, too.
What is an overarching theme of your life? Um, dieting (lame!) Who is
your role model? My mom, aaaah. What are your dreams? To be a night
club singer and fifty million other things. It was pretty fun.
finally started the children's service club I've been talking about for
four years! I just went onto facebook and invited a bunch of people to
my house and it took about two minutes. Now, that wasn't so difficult,
was it? This month we are going to crank out a ton of Valentine's for
lonely people in our ward and neighborhood. I hope that it goes well.
We are just going to meet once a month so it shouldn't be too painful.
Archie keeps us safe at all times.
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pretty, pretty, please...