Today in the yoga training we learned about Ayurveda -- another completely new topic for me! It is a Sanskrit word that means "science of life." We learned about the three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, which are three energies that define people's makeup. Oh, goody! Heaven knows that I love a good personality quiz! I've never done one that only had three options, though, so I was having a hard time figuring out what type I am. I hate to admit it, but I probably missed a few things that Syl was saying while I indulged my compulsion for inhaling all of the information in the workbook about the doshas, haha! I came home and took some online quizzes -- seven to be exact, gotta be sure! And I'm pretty sure that I'm Pitta/Vata with a Kapha imbalance -- whatever that means! This is definitely something I'd like to spend more time with.
We also learned about sequencing our yoga classes. This is something I was very worried about, but can see that there is a natural progression that makes sense and will make it easier to improvise a little during a class. We are all going to have the chance to teach a little fifteen minute class so I hurried and volunteered to go first so I don't have to worry about it for longer than necessary. I wrote down everything that I was going to say and timed it all. When I sat down to do it I was so nervous! I was kind of shaking and my voice wasn't sure and steady at all, but I got through it -- and even went over the time! Everyone said they couldn't tell that I was as insecure as I felt, so that is a relief!
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pretty, pretty, please...