We've cruised through the information for the second session at Bodhi Yoga and are really getting to know one another well! The topics for this session are the Twelve Systems of the Body, Hands on Adjusting, and Standing Asanas (poses).
So much of this information is new to me! There are a few women in there who totally know so much because of their background in other work. There is a massage therapist who knows exactly what Syl is talking about when she mentions the fascia or different vertebrae -- but I'm pretty lost. I think a lot of people think that yoga is simply a form of exercise, but I know that it is so much more than that. I am so glad that I am doing my training here, because there is definitely the emphasis on yoking all the parts together -- more than physical there is also mental, spiritual, and emotional components. When I've attended a yoga class in which there is no mention of what our intention is, what our mind is doing, how we might be releasing emotions or letting go of things we don't need, when there isn't any chanting (!) it all feels so flat. Like we're just stretching out and waiting for something else to be the main purpose. So, I'm so happy to be here and soaking it all in.
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pretty, pretty, please...