For years we have been trying to have regular family scripture reading. We do not have lofty ideas of how the time should be spent -- it often includes flared tempers and hurt feelings, inattention and pointed stares -- we merely want to go through the motions on a consistent basis. Last year we finally had a good rhythm with reading in the mornings, but this year with early morning seminary that went out the window and with crazy schedules, the evening has been difficult as well. Starting in January we decided that every time we read for five days in a row we will take the kids out for a treat. There really is nothing like a little bribery because everyone has been on board for this one. Steak n' Shake has been having 1/2 price shakes in the afternoon from 2-4 so I took the kids over there to get some shakes. We all came home and Matthew asked me if I got one, too. Well, yeah! I got a banana split shake -- hand-dipped banana ice cream with fudge sauce, whipped cream, peanuts, strawberries, and a cherry on top. It really hit the spot. Then he asked, "Exactly what kind of diet are you on?" Ummm, I don't know. I was at Steak n' Shake. They have really good shakes. What on earth was I supposed to do, not get one? But I suppose I need to try to remember what my ultimate goals are. I have been having a hard time so I joined Weight Watchers this morning. The leader was really a hoot and I mean that in the nicest possible way. Wish me luck.
After we go for our second round of shakes this afternoon, that is. Aren't we doing great with our reading? We will be saintly and stout. And this time I will bring one home for Matthew so he won't be asking the impudent questions.
Lol, this really cracked me up. I've already started with the bribery. "Don't want to get in the car? Well, what if there's a snack in it for ya if you do?" And waalaa. It definitely seems to be the most effective part of my parenting. :)
Congrats on joining Weight Watchers. I've heard a lot of good things about it--I'll be interested to hear your take.
My diet's going about the same way, often thanks to shakes from The Iceberg-YUM!
Wow! You joined Weight Watchers-you are down to business!! I really hope it goes well for you. I hate losing weight. If it weren't for Hollywood we could all just eat and be merry. I still need to lose weight but I just can't make the commitment yet-maybe when I am done breastfeeding in another year. Matthew should have never questioned you about the shake-he is a brave man.
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