Hier we went to Hyeres (that is just fun to say), a gorgeous town on the Cote d'Azur. It is only about 15 minutes from our house so a nice little afternoon jaunt. Phin had fallen asleep so M took a nap with him in a parking lot while the kids and I set off for destinations unknown. We stopped at an information office and picked up a map then started walking up a hill.
::We found Edith Wharton's house Castel Sainte-Claire (thou shalt not envy wonderful author who lived in villa in the south of France) and were so disappointed that it had been turned into horrid little offices. I wanted to gape and gawk at her life a little bit.
::got a little lost
::came upon some old ruins::and a quaint little village with our favorite blue doors

It surprises me that they turned her home into office spaces. That is so "unlike Europe" to do something like that. I only thought America really liked to do that. Glad you guys got out for an adventure and I love the photos of your "home". We rented some places when we travelled and they remind me of your pics. So, overall are you enjoying yourself?
They turned HER villa into office space because she was American. She wrote about New York and not France, so why should they be bothered? (hehe)
Love the pictures!
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