(Oh my, the reds are clashing!)
I thought that I would be good about doing Thankful Thursday or My Favorite Monday, but I just can't be chained down to those kind of schedules. This is why I can never have a real job. Picking my kids up on time from playdates is just about more than I can muster. Oh well. I just wanted to take this opportunity to tell you how much I love you. You are wonderful and I hope that you have a very Happy Valentines Day. I thought I would do this today since tomorrow I will be way too busy with Valentines activities to do something as mundane as writing here. Oh, come to think of it I have no plans whatsoever. I guess I will just leave things open for the sake of spontaneity. And Happy Birthday to my brother Bryan today! And Happy Friday the 13th! Hope no one is having bad luck -- yikes!
I just finished preparing some chili. I made my mom's Veggie Chili that I love so much. I can tell that I am growing up because fifteen years ago I would think, "Oh my heavens above! How many vegetables do I need to chop, chop, chop?" It seemed to take way too long and was so much easier to just open a can. Now I think, "How many more vegetables can I put in? What is going bad in the refrigerator and needs to be used STAT?" Maybe I should rename it Triage Chili for those vegetable emergencies we all have. Later I will go help at Ibby's class party and then get the gift for her birthday party later. And Lucy has viola. And Charles has a basketball game. And we have the great Chili Cook-off at church at the same time as all of these things -- the usual "a clone would sure be nice Friday." Wish you could all come eat chili with us because as Jen says, "Nothing says 'I love you' like chili." Actually nothing says 'I love you' like the day after chili.
I hope you have sewing lesson plans!!!
Mary, I love your blog! I've been too lazy (and sick!) until now to look it up. I'd love to hear what book recommendations, etc. you have for natural childbirth. I'm definitely doing things differently this time around.
Pass the Tums! I had a lot of fun at the dance/sing fest. There were so many chilis! It was a chili heaven!
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